Software Engineering Journey

17 Jan 2024

Javascript is indeed a very interesting and more useful coding language than I had originally thought. In addition, lots of features, such as first-class citizens, allow functions to be not just variables but also parameters, making it super useful.

Compared to other languages, it is indeed similar to Python. However, one of the key differences for me is the syntax. Furthermore, it is similar to Java syntax without the strict structure of the language.

I learned several things, such as the structure of the code and the idea of using functions as variables that could be passed as parameters. Many of the modules were indeed a wonderful review and refresher on syntax, structure, and code development.

Although, at this moment, Javascript allows for very fluid and quick coding, enabling prototyping and quick development projects. However, in regards to the structure or applications, loose coding or non-strict coding would not be quite sufficient. Therefore, in regards to software engineering, it is indeed a good language; however, it depends ultimately on the project.

Athletic software engineering is indeed a greatly helpful approach towards coding and structuring code. As for the practice WODs, they were indeed very good and useful. Our team was not able to finish the WOD, but nonetheless, the practice WODs allow us to understand and prepare for real WODs. It forces you to be very interactive and puts pressure on you, which is great for some and not so much for others.

This learning style is different and more hands-on than many other courses that we take. So, adjusting to the new style is interesting, and the worry is that once you get acclimated, you want to approach your other courses in a similar way. Indeed, the enjoyable part of this style is the collaboration that is enforced by the structure of the course. Another factor that I appreciate is the understanding that regardless of what job you have, you will have access to the internet and the tools given to you. Other classes limit or outright disallow using other tools to assist you, but that’s not what happens in the real world.

I think it will teach me a lot about my capabilities while also developing new skills dealing with developing applications or code with only a prompt.

Used ChatGPT for grammatical errors