Reflections of Coding Standards

06 Feb 2024

Complex relationships are built on different elements and parts being connected

As students embarking on our coding journeys, we’re constantly bombarded with seemingly endless rules and standards. Yet, amidst the seemingly rigid world of ones and zeros, a deeper truth emerges: order and its relationship to coding have a profound connection to the human experience.

Social analogy for coding standards

Just like in our complex social spheres, where subtle cues and shared understandings guide our interactions, coding standards act as essential reference points. They become the bedrock upon which we make decisions, navigate uncertainties, and ultimately, create meaningful code.

Imagine yourself working within the vibrant ecosystem of IntelliJ. This powerful IDE reflects on your code in real time, instantly spotting errors and highlighting potential issues. While detection is crucial, it’s merely the first step. Just as recognizing a friend’s frown doesn’t automatically translate to understanding their underlying emotions, error detection alone falls short.

Standards are built on definition

True understanding, both in coding and in life, lies in uncovering the why behind the error. Is it a misplaced semicolon? A forgotten closing brace? Or perhaps a deeper misunderstanding of a specific language construct? Just like delving into the nuances of human behavior, comprehending these “why”s is where empathy and insight come into play. In my case, it has been the case for all of them. Having an IDE like IntelliJ allows anyone, including myself to manage these errors.

But understanding isn’t enough. We must become proactive problem solvers, capable of formulating actionable solutions. Just as we wouldn’t use French grammar rules when composing an English essay, deploying the wrong solution in coding, like applying Java syntax to JavaScript, leads to further complications.

However, the beauty of coding lies in its flexibility. Standards are not absolute edicts; they adapt and evolve based on context. In personal projects, clarity and readability for yourself might be the primary concern. Conversely, team endeavors require collective agreement and adherence to a shared set of rules. These “rules of engagement” act as a social contract, fostering efficiency and seamless collaboration.

Ultimately, mastering coding standards involves more than memory. It’s about honing your ability to navigate intricate relationships between different elements, just like the complex tapestry of human interactions. Through reflection, experimentation, and the ability to engage in empathy of the content will give you the essential skills to develop standardized for your own life.